Film og sange (181 citater)

Jesper Binzer (D-A-D) (Marlboro Man).

I'm tough and I'm mean I'm the american dream. Do as I: Inhale, don't blow it! You'll get the feeling & you know it... When the smoke gets to your brain... It makes you quite insane...

Al Pacino (Scent Of A Woman).

When in doubt - fuck!

Tomas La Mance (John Lennon/Shawn Lennon).

Life is what happens to you, while you're busy making other plans.

Kurt Cobain (Nirvana).

Just because you're paranoid - don't mean - they're not after you

Dolly Parton (My Coat of Many Colors).

One is only poor, only if they choose to be.

Tyler Durden (Bogen Fight Club).

Hvis man ikke ved hvad man vil ha - ender man med en masse man ikke vil ha!

2Pac (Tupac Shakur).

We gotta start makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers.

Steffen Brandt (TV2).

Så kys det nu, det satans liv - grib det, fang det, før det er forbi!

Robin Williams (De døde poeters klub).

'CARPE DIEM - grib dagen.'

Dembe Zuma (Filmen: Blacklist).

Til tider skaber man sin egen skæbne - til tider skaber skæbnen en.

Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back).

Do. Or do not. There is no try.

Frank Underwood (House of cards).

You don't want to work anywhere you're not willing to get fired from.


Bag enhver piges yndlingssang, findes en ufortalt historie.

Chris (Rockstar).

We all owe someone an apology.

A Better Tomorrow (1986).

Anyone who controls their own destiny is a god.

Neil Gaiman (Filmen Stardust).

Kærlighed kan være uforudsigelig, uventet, ukontrollerbar, uudholdelig og er mærkværdigvis let at forveksle for afsky.

Taylor Swift (Shake It Off).

The players gonna play... the haters gonna hate... Baby im just gonna shake, shake - shake it off, i shake it off.


Det skal tæmmes og gemmes - indeni.

Snemanden Olaf (Disneyfilmen Frozen).

Kærlighed er at sætte en andens behov før sine egne.


Behind every girl's favorite song, there is an untold story.

Michael Corleone (The Godfather II - 1974).

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

Envy (Am I Wrong).

Now, am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?

tv-2 (Sangen: Hele verden fra forstanden).

Uden at mærke tiden ville jeg lære at leve lige nu og her.

Wall Street (Bud before meeting with Gecko).

Well, life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.


Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you´ve got heroin?

H.C. Andersen.

When words fail - music speaks.

The Human Stain (Faunia Farley).

Handling er tankens fjende.

Thomas Helmig (1987).

Er det ikke altid sådan, at den man elsker allermest, også er den der gør en bange.

Pink (Sober).

The quiet scares me cause it screams the truth.

Robert "Bobby" Goren (Criminal Intent).

Bad guys do what good guys dream.


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