ting (47 citater)


Love is doing something and expecting nothing back.

Robert Brault.

Charisma is not so much getting people to like you as getting people to like themselves when you're around.

Bill Maher.

Curious people are interesting people; I wonder why that is.


Der er kun én vej til glæde, og det er at ophøre med at bekymres over ting, som er udenfor vores påvirkning.


Nogle gange... Fylder de MINDSTE ting mest i dit HJERTE!<3


Loving someone who does not love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.

Jim Morrison.

That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.

Niccolò Machiavelli.

There is nothing harder than to try and make a new idea become popular, as you will have strong opponents in those that are benefiting from the old idea, but only weak allies in those that might benefit from the new idea in the future.

Wall Street (Bud before meeting with Gecko).

Well, life all comes down to a few moments. This is one of them.

Peter Møller Christensen.

Uden humor er du ingenting, ikke engang til grin.


Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you´ve got heroin?

Jan Hessner Backe (2012).

Vil du flyve - må du allerførst give slip på de ting, der tynger dig.

Steve Jobs (Filosofi).

De vigtigste beslutninger, du tager, handler ikke om de ting, du gør, men om de ting du beslutter ikke at gøre.

Peter Møller Christensen.

Det værste ved at lave ingenting, er at man ikke kan tage en pause.

Anders "Anden" Matthesen (FAQ).

Har ingen sympati for CD pirateri, man bør kun brænde ting som man ikke kan li'.

Platon (Hulelignelsen - bog VII af Platons "Staten").

Den sidste ting, man kan forstå, og som sjældent bliver forstået, er ideen om det gode.

Steve Jobs (Direktør for Apple Computer).

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of security, he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come.

Med Yones.

The CEO’s key challenge in formulating and executing the right strategy is not in finding answers to the tough questions, the challenge is in asking the right questions.


Den, som ikke laver fejl, laver som regel slet ingenting.

Mr. Keating (Dead Poets Society).

Most people live their life in quiet desperation.

Albert (Einstein).

Der findes to ting, som er uendelige: Universet og den menneskelige dumhed. Og når det gælder universet, er jeg endda ikke helt sikker.

La Rochefoucauld.

Spild ikke tiden på at ærgre dig over ting, du alligevel ikke har magt til at ændre.

Douglas Coupland (About meetings).

The three things you can’t fake are erections, competence and creativity.

Homer Simpson.

Når jeg lærer nye ting fortrænges gammel viden i min hjerne. Som for eksempel da jeg tog det hjemmebrænder kursus. Da glemte jeg hvordan man kører bil.

Albert Einstein (Insanity).

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Kim Bodnia (I Kina Spiser De Hunde).

Hvis man skal gøre tingene, kan man ligeså godt gøre det ordentligt, så er det ligemeget om det er rigtig eller forkert!

Oscar Wilde.

Der er to forfærdelige ting i denne verden den ene er ikke at få det man ønsker, den anden er at få det.

Sean Mallory aka James Coburn (Filmen A Fistfull Of Dynamites (1971)).

Where there's revolotion there's confusion and when there's confusion a man who knows what he wants stands a good chance of getting it.


I don't know if I'm getting better, or just used to the pain.


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